
Week in photos 21#

In love with my new iphone, steamy stir fry, Burgundy polo tea crop tee lust, best fruit juice ever, bailey's hot chocolate, pyjama time, steak n chips, new dream catcher tattoo, carrot cake muffin

Last week was a very busy/exciting week for me as it was the first week back at university yay! I received my project for this term which is events management, which I am super excited about. For this events managing project we have to put on an event to raise money for our chosen charity. So last week me and my group were organising fun raising ideas to raise money for our big event (such good fun). I also organised a cheeky trip to London next weekend for my friends birthday which is really exciting, so make sure to follow me on twitter and instagram for updates on my trip and a got a new tattoo :) So all in all quite a busy and organised week!

P.s First week in photos post of 2013 woohoo!

Twitter| Tumblr| Instagram @Lauren_behappy


  1. Cutest pyjamas , love the photos xx

  2. i like your iphone cover.. :)


  3. which I am super excited about. For this events managing project we have to put on an event to raise money for our chosen charity.


Please feel free to comment on ideas or any feedback would be really helpful.
All comments are read and commented back :)